Comprehensively Understanding Biodiversity.
Our motivation is to protect the ecosystems that make it possible for all of us to survive and thrive. We have the scientific and technological expertise to support our customers and project partners in assessing and preserving biodiversity.
Since our company was founded, we have already
worked with more than 800 customers
successfully managed over 1.200 projects and
processed almost 80.000 samples.
Our Team
Contact us: info@aim.science
Kirsten Morinière
Founder and financial management
Jérôme Morinière
Founder and management
Dr. René Tänzler
Founder and laboratory management
Dr. Vedran Bozicevic
Head of Bioinformatics & Data Science
Dr. Laura Hardulack
Marit Sicker
Deputy Head Molecular Laboratory
Michelle Döpel
Technical assistance in the molecular laboratory
Haider Ali
Full-stack Developer webshop
K. Liebscher
Machine Learning & Nature KPIs
Levi Steiner
Working Student Corporate Communications
Ohle Pohl
Management Assistant
Adnan Noor
Working Student Backend Development Webshop

Make a positive contribution and
become part of the solution.
We want to give you a better understanding of our environment.
Because only those who understand the enormous diversity that surrounds us can participate in its protection.
Our Services
DNA barcoding is the gene-based identification of animals, plants, fungi or bacteria. Outside the realm of science, the method is used primarily in agriculture and forestry, where fungi and pests must be identified unambiguously and promptly in order to minimize potential crop failures or forest damage. It is also possible to determine animal species using a DNA source in the form of fecal or tissue samples.
DNA metabarcoding is used to analyze samples containing multiple DNA sources, such as composite samples from insect traps or soil samples. Simultaneously, different genetic reference sections are recorded and analyzed. The analysis provides information about the species composition within the sample, making DNA metabarcoding a powerful tool for species identification in the context of biodiversity analyses.
We are driven by the conception and implementation of broad-based biodiversity monitoring. In close cooperation with our clients, we develop custom-fit study designs to contribute to nature and species conservation through the rapid digital recording of current biodiversity. In doing so, we always strive to achieve the best results within the respective project budget. To achieve this, we cooperate not only with universities, biosphere reserves and zoos, but also with companies that want to make their impact on the environment measurable.
An overview of the application fields of our services can be found here.